Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thai food delicacies: why I'd make a terrible missionary

I’d make a terrible missionary. Today at work, I was doing some research about Thai cuisine. I love Asian food (Chinese and Korean especially) and remember trying Thai once while in California. Unusual in that it can be sweet, but otherwise pretty good. Well, while reading on the Internet about the cuisine, I learned that the Thai people like to cook insects.
And not just any insects, but the ones that especially gross me out.

Water bugs.


I understand that in some parts of the world it’s considered wasteful not to eat things that are readily available. For me, since cockroaches and their water bug cousins have always terrified me, I think I’d probably vomit if I tried to eat one.

Makes vegetarianism seem appealing.

A college friend, serving in an area of the world that I can’t identify, told me of some of the unusual food items in the country he’s at. Yikes.

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