Saturday, February 2, 2008

Accountability partner

Recently, I got an accountability partner, a college friend named Jason. We’ve discussed a few issues and will continue to do so. I have Jason because I know I’m an imperfect person and that there are times when a male friend is needed to discuss issues that I might deal with.

Accountability is something we all should practice. I understand that many churches have things set up now where even the pastor is accountable to someone for his actions. This is a good thing, because we’ve seen the disasters in the lives of famous ministers when they’re not kept accountable. One was caught with a prostitute while others have gotten into affairs and have mismanaged money entrusted to them. It reminds me of that adage: absolute power (i.e., zero accountability) corrupts absolutely. In the Bible, when God saw that David wasn’t going to get out of his spiral after his affair with Bathsheba and his ordering her husband’s murder, God sent the prophet Nathan. Nathan bluntly told David, “Thou art the man.”

1 comment:

Jason Mishler said...

One of the things to look for in an accountablility partner is some one that you are comfortable with sharing personal things and someone that will keep them confidential. I have know Richard for several years and he is a good friend. Like Richard and myself we are not perfect and we all need someone that we can confide in and get advice and wisdom from.

Richard, thanks for you friendship over the years and look forward to what the Lord have for you and your family in the future.